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2D Shooter

A lone Viking is stuck in an unknown territory exploring his way through safety, collecting resources like potions and logs to keep him alive through this treacherous new world. 


Infinity & Beyond

Three advanced races, battle in the far cosmos for dominance. Infinity & Beyond is a game simulation project to procedurally generate game levels and test the interactions and characteristics of the  AI agents in the generated levels.

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First aid and Fire safety training is very important for large-scale industries. As the risks of an incident are more common in Industries. With VR, this training can be carried out in a safe environment and can be tutored much efficiently. 

Fire Triangle

TRA Car Simulator

There are different forms of Immersive platforms AR, VR, MR. But what about a car simulator with three 45" TVs in front of you?  Can we call this an incarnation of VR?


Porsche VR

The VR Experience for Porsche was specifically made for the Porsche Regional Training Centre in the MENA Region. The Experience was used to help the Sales & Marketing staff to understand and learn more about the new Porsche 911. 



A long time ago, in an island far far above...

It was the time of Evil. The town on the island has been constantly ravaged by the demons of the Northern Mountains. So the Villagers gathered and constructed a Tower to defend themselves from these demons. The brave work of manning the Tower is offered to the user.


Air Marshalling

Aviation Industry makes use of VR for various purposes like Aircraft simulation, Ramp Staff training. One of the modules in Ramp training is Aircraft Marshalling. Where the trainee has to guide the aircraft to park exactly in its allotted spot.

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XR Interactions

XR opens a whole new world for interactions. Including Hand tracking Eye Tracking, Controllers. Following are some of the expeditions I was part of, to explore this new world.


Waifu Generator

Generating Stylized Anime Faces using a new creative method of combining the GAN network with the style transfer network.

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